

Brother Joe Worndle has been working with the Haiti brethren since 1988.  Camden Ave. began supporting his work in the early 1990’s.   In 1995 Joe was responsible for starting a School of Preaching and several elementary schools and orphanages. Joe teaches the native men how to better preach and serve God.  Joe developed Timothy Teams and sent them throughout Haiti converting people and establishing new churches of Christ.  The Timothy Teams have converted many denominational churches to Christ.  Joe now has built a preachers school in the Dominican Republic. Joe’s goal is to one day have the Haitian brethren to be self-supporting. This is their latest report.

Brother Worndle tells the history:

The work in Haiti started in 1990. We made short trips once or twice a year but we soon realized that Haiti was one of the most religious and receptive countries in the world. After converting several denominational churches it became necessary to begin full time work in Haiti, which we started in 1994.

We specialized in converting entire denominational congregations and soon had well over 100 new churches that became part of the Body of Christ. Many more churches were added over the years and it became necessary to educate men to train the new churches and help them to stand firm in the truth.

We established teams which we called TIMOTHY TEAMS. These teams are comprised of highly educated and very effective teachers who teach ministers and help churches to train men to become elders and deacons and teachers to make their churches totally self-sufficient. These TIMOTHY TEAMS  are deployed all over Haiti making a great impact on our churches.

It is very important to educate faithful men to become strong leaders in their congregations. We thus operate 3 schools of preaching with a total of 135 students. Two schools are located in Haiti and one is located in the Dominican Republic where there is a large number of Haitian immigrants.

We also operate several clinics (dental and prenatal), three orphanages, over 60 Christian schools and two weekly radio programs. We also operate several feeding stations. The local churches in Haiti take a large part in supporting these programs. It is our goal to make our work in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic totally self-sufficient in a short few years, concentrating to educate as many men as possible to lead, direct and educate their own congregations. The future of the work in Haiti rests on the shoulders of dedicated, well educated leaders and teachers. We  can continue to pour money into Haiti for decades to come with the result that when the money stops coming the work stops, or we can train men to become self-sufficient, self-governing and self-propagating and let them take the lead. Over 600 men are presently waiting to enroll in our schools of preaching.

The work in Haiti is strong, it is built on solid ground and it is there to stay.