Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Minute of meditation: Eternity”

A fable is told about a fox going out one day to console a sick lion on his illness. When the fox came to the mouth of the cave, he heard the lion inviting him in. But the fox, having first examined the entrance, answered, "Not today, for I see the footsteps of all creatures of the woods leading into the cave, but I see the footsteps of none leading out."


That cave represents to many death and the grave. The way of the whole earth leads into it. But are there any footsteps leading out?

Christianity answers with a firm, unfaltering, "Yes, all that are in the graves shall come forth." Why, because Jesus Christ died and is risen from the grave.


1 Cor. 15:20, affirms this, “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead,” 


The resurrection of Jesus changed history!  And it changes the spiritual direction of all who would believe in it today! To learn more contact me.


I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.