Greenville TN

Greenville TN

Greenville This is their latest report.

TV Sunday School and BCC works:


TV Sunday School is a 30-minute program telecast weekly on Sunday mornings over the local Johnson City TV station here in upper E. Tennessee. The local telecast can be also be viewed in SW Virginia, eastern Kentucky, and western North Carolina. Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN) also carries this at various times on their network – viewable both on the internet and via satellite. Presently I am presenting a series of lessons on “Salvation” from the prophecies in the book of Isaiah.


We also offer Bible Correspondence Course enrollments on the program. During 2014 we sent out 2,467 lessons. So far this year we have mailed out 380 lessons. I continue to write these BCC lessons, presently writing a series on the Old Testament that includes a few lessons on salvation from Isaiah’s prophecies. BCC students are not limited to TV Sunday School viewers – we presently are mailing and processing lessons from students in several states. Generally, Barbara (my wife) grades these lesson; I process and mail them. –Joe E. Galloway