Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Minute of Meditation: Your Epitaph”

George Washington Carver grew up at the close of the Civil War, and overcome great obstacles to become one of the most influential men in the history of the United States.


He made 300 marketable discoveries for peanuts and 100 for sweet potatoes. He gave God the credit for helping him make all these discoveries.  These new products created a demand for peanuts and sweet potatoes, and they were major contributors to rejuvenating the South’s economy.

Carver never became successful monetarily, but he overcame great rejection during his lifetime for being black. He was offered six-figure income opportunities from Henry Ford, and he became friends with presidents of his day, yet he knew what God had called him to do. His epitaph reads:

He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world."

What will be written on your epitaph? How do you want people to remember you? What type of legacy will your life leave behind?

This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.

Adapted from:

[John Woodbridge, More Than Conquerors (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1992), 312.]

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.