Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


I first met him in 1968.  I loved him from the start. He was an inspiration to all who knew him.  He had a smile that never quit.  His humility and sweetness were so evident. I believe it was true that he had no enemies. All who knew him loved him. We just knew him as "Hud" McGee. His likeness and image speak to me even now after all the years.


I finally asked him, "Hud, you have so many friends, how do you do that?"  His answer came in an expected humble and quiet way.


"Well," he said, " through the years I have tried to make as many new friends as possible, and I've done all I could to keep all my old friends, too."  Is that a profound answer?  Well, maybe and maybe not.  Perhaps the profundity lies in its simplicity!


Friends are such a valuable commodity.  Friends, to me, are worth more than all the money and wealth in the world.  My friends keep me going.  I couldn't make it without them.  I want to make as many new friends as possible. And I don't want to lose even one of my old friends.


Thanks "Hud," for the lesson! I hope to see you again, old friend!  - Tom Butterfield