Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Why should I place membership with the local congregation?”

Categories: Christian Principles


The question has been asked of me, “Why should I place membership with the local congregation?”

This question can only be answered if one understands that they have obeyed what the Bible teaches on how one becomes a Christian.   In Acts 2:38, we see that all those who repented of their sins and were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and received the Holy Spirit, were added to the church by God (Acts 2:41,47).  This is where a person becomes a member of the church.

Now assume a person has obeyed the Gospel according to scriptures but then they move to a new area or maybe they obeyed the Gospel at church camp or while they were away at college.  Why should they place membership with the local congregation?

First, it is biblical.  Now the word “membership” is not found in the Bible, but the concept is there.   In the New Testament, Christians are identified with the congregation they worshiped and worked with.  In Romans 16 Phoebe, Prisca, and Aquila, as well as many others were identified with local congregations.  This could be said of each congregation in the New Testament; writers wrote to each congregation which were identified separately, and individual members were identified with one congregation or another. 

Another word for membership which is found in Philippians 1:5 is “partnership.”  Paul was able to make a distinction from one congregation to another, as well as members because they had identified with the various local congregations.

Second, for involvement purposes.  In Romans 12:4-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Paul uses the human body as an example of how each member of the Body of Christ is to function.  So, when a person “places membership” the elders of the church should help direct the new member in areas they can best use their talents. 

Membership in the church is not like in a civic organization where one just pays dues and shows up to meetings.  Church members are expected to do something for God, to teach, serve, lead, give, encourage, or a variety of other activities.  It is important that Christians be involved in the work of the church and not just “pew warmers.”  When a Christian “places their membership” with a congregation it helps the elders know who they can depend on, and call on, to help with the work of the church.

Third, it helps in building relationships.  Membership is about relationships.  The churches in Thessalonica and Athens began by people obeying the gospel and joining (consorted, KJV) themselves to Paul and the faithful brethren with him (Acts 17:4; 17:34).  Meaning they “associate” or began to congregate together as a body of believers.

Fourth, accountability.  Nowhere in the New Testament do, we see Christians being “church members at large” or not identifying with a congregation.  In Acts 9:27-28 Saul later Paul was taken to Jerusalem and “identified” with the church in Jerusalem.  Later in Acts 13:1-2 Paul “identified” with the church of Antioch. Even Paul who traveled greatly to carry out the gospel of Jesus Christ “identified” or “placed membership” with a congregation.  Even in Acts 21:17-18 James is identified with the church in Jerusalem.  

Also, how can a member “obey their leaders” and have them watch over you as we see instructed in Hebrews 13:17, if one has not placed membership.

Today many people visit and attend a congregation for a while before they “place membership.”  If you are one of those individuals, and you have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ by repenting of your sins and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38).  Then please go talk to one of our elders, they would enjoy talking to you more about you placing your membership with us at the Camden Ave. Church of Christ.

In Christ, Mark T. Tonkery