Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Jealousy Costs You Blessings”

Categories: Christian Principles

Doug’s Discussion    


   Children do not always get the same blessing at the same time.  Which, of course, can cause some problems with jealousy.  “Why does SHE get to go to a friend’s house today?”  “Why does HE get to buy candy?”  Listen kid, some days it’s your day and some days it’s not.  And let me share with you one reason why the jealous response is unwise: it’s a great way to guarantee you won’t participate in the blessing.  One kid gets candy and another become jealous.  Jealous kid gives candy kid a real hard time.  What does that do to the odds candy kid shares?  Wouldn’t being happy for someone increase the odds you get to share in their blessing?  I think so.  

   Jesus taught in many places.  He did miracles in many places.  He had tremendous gifts, given to Him by His Father.  But Jesus did not hoard these gifts for His own purposes.  He freely shared with thousands.  But . . . there was one place where Jesus did not do very many miracles.  It was the place that I believe was most filled with jealously.  In His hometown they said “Where did this man get these things? . . . What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles?” (Mark 6:2)  Or, in other words, why does THIS guy have the candy and I don’t?  They took offence at Jesus.  Their failure to acknowledge that God gave Jesus these gifts, and that they should be happy about it, led to less sick people being healed.    

   Our Heavenly Father loves all His children.  All are given generous gifts – just not all the same ones at the same time.  I humbly suggest that you be okay with that.  Do you think being bitter about someone else’s blessing would compel God to give you more?  I think it is more likely to have the opposite effect!  What’s more, your resentment will close the door to you sharing in the blessing of another.  It’s harder to share with a grump.  So, bottom line, be thankful for the gifts God gives you.  Be equally thankful for the gifts God gives others.  That will keep jealously from costing you blessings.