Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Truth Never Changes”

Categories: Christian Principles

By: J. Raymond Pecoraro from the Wooddale Church of Christ

Jesus' prayer to His Heavenly Father was this: "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." (John 17:17). Truth is truth no matter what we think about it. No religion is above the truth either. If any religion goes beyond the explicit and implicit truth found in God's Holy Writ, then that religion has gone beyond that which is written! (II Cor. 2:17; Titus 2:5). Truth is truth even if you don't think it has an effect upon your life directly! Truth is truth even if someone chooses to ignore it for whatever reason!

A multitude of "religions" spring up daily. One has to wonder why? Why are there so many religious groups around the world? I can think of only two viable reasons used to want a religion that grossly differs from that which the Lord began & purchased with His own precious blood in A.D. 33! (Acts 2:1-47; 20:28). One reason is they want to please themselves rather than God. The second reason is that they have a total disregard for God's truth! They change the truth of God into a lie and therefore, the Lord sends them a strong delusion. (Romans 1:25; II Thess. 2:11-12).

I recognize the fact that these followers believe they are true believers. Believing a thing to be true doesn't necessarily make it true. I can believe that the world is flat but that won't make it flat. I can find out the truth about the world being round from historical records & change my mind or remain in ignorant bliss. In the same manner, truth can be had by all those interested. God left us with His Holy Word known as the Bible. We can seek out God's Word and it will show us His truth. (Luke 8:11). Jesus said, "We shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free." (John 8:32).

In John 17:17ff, Jesus prayed for a unified people; a people sanctified or set apart from the world. Why would the Lord pray such a sincere and earnest prayer if it doesn't matter what someone believes and practices? It wouldn't make much sense, would it? Of course not! God isn't pleased with people who ignore His Word and follow after their own satisfactions!

In I Peter 2:2, we read, "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby." We need to have people get excited about spiritual truth which leads to spiritual growth. God's truth is worth hungering for! Someone has aptly stated: "Study the Bible to be wise; believe it to be safe; practice it to be holy." I think these are great words to apply to one's life!