Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Evangelism

A PAST ISSUE of Action magazine caught my attention some time ago...

It carried an article about a gentleman from the Philippines by the name of Leopoldo Ducany.

One afternoon, Leopoldo's wife had brought him a fish which she had purchased at the local market.  She asked him to clean it in order that she might prepare it for supper.  The meal-to-be was wrapped in a year-old newspaper.  As he tore away the paper, Leopoldo noticed an ad for World Bible School.  The ad prompted a response, and before long, he was regularly receiving Bible correspondence materials.

At the conclusion of the series of lessons, Leopoldo requested baptism and was added to the body of Christ (Acts 2:47; Galatians 3:27).  He made this decision to follow the Lord despite the obvious anti-church sentiment held by Communist rebels in his region.

THOUGHT:  I have a thought.  If we can (a) reach a man on the other side of the world with (b) a year-old newspaper wrapped around a dead snapper, then (c) don't you think we can reach our local communities with the saving message of Christ...? By Mike Benson,