Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Christian Principles

            You had Heaven in your hands. Your sins had been washed away in the blood of Jesus. You could stand before God redeemed. Whiter than snow. You were Heaven-bound.

And now you’ve thrown it all away. What did you trade all of the treasures of Heaven for? Money? Sundays on the lake? Anger toward a brother in Christ? Sexual sin? Extra sleep on Sunday mornings? Simple loss of interest?

Can you think of anything that is really worth losing Heaven for? Please Come Home!

Your brothers and sisters at church miss you! We want you to come home and we want to go with you to the Father’s home forever. But that requires faithfulness on your part and ours.

Please, come home, today. Call the preacher or an elder and come back to the Lord.

Why do you wait, dear brother,

O why do you tarry so long?

Your Savior is waiting to give you

 A place in His sanctified throng.

What do you hope, dear brother,

To gain by a further delay?

There’s no one to save you but Jesus,

There’s no other way but his way.

Michael L. Ray

South Fulton, Tennessee