Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Praying for Preachers”

Categories: Christian Principles

This preacher found a chart on Facebook Monday evening that was entitled “Pray for Your Pastor”. It is understood that the definition of pastor in this chart is used in the denominational sense and not as the Bible uses the term. Recognizing they are talking about preachers, consider what this chart shares about the lives of preachers.

97% of pastors have been betrayed, falsely accused or hurt by their trusted friends.

70% of pastors battle depression.

7,000 churches close each year.

1,500 pastors quit each month.

10% will retire a pastor.

80% of pastors feel discouraged.

94% of pastors' families feel the pressure of ministry.

78% of pastors have no close friends.

90% of pastors report working 55-75 hours per week.

Take another look and let those figures sink deeply into your thought processes. Christians often look to their preachers for counseling, yet 70% of preachers battle depression themselves. The pressures of preaching are such that only 10% will stay with preaching till they retire. That is alarming. It is difficult to get people to study the Bible or talk about God and effective evangelism is difficult.

Preachers (and elders) have the constant care of declining membership and possible closing. In our brotherhood, there was almost 13,200 congregation in the USA in 2003. In 2015 that number is below 12,300. We have lost almost 1,000 congregations in 12 years. There is an old saying, “if you want a better preacher, pray for the one you have”. Good idea, especially since we lose more preachers each year than we graduate. No church is perfect and neither is any preacher. May churches and preachers realize we are a team. Help us to look to God for strength and help to “fight the good fight”.

By Randy Chapman