Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Christian Principles

The new minister in a small town spent the first four days calling on all the members, trying to get them to come to his first service. He failed. They didn’t come. So he placed a notice in the local newspaper stating that, since the church was dead, it was his duty to give it an appropriate burial. The funeral was to be held at 2 o’clock on the following Sunday.

Morbidly curious, the whole town turned out. In front of the pulpit, they saw a coffin covered with flowers. The minister read the obituary and delivered a eulogy. Then he invited the congregation to step forward and pay their respects to the departed. The long line filed by. Each one looked into the casket and then turned away with a sheepish guilty look. In the coffin was a large mirror, tilted at just the right angle so that anyone who looked would see himself.

No doubt the story is apocryphal [fictional]—No preacher would dare to do it. But I know a few preachers who would like to do it and quite a few folks for whom it might be appropriate.

-Bulletin Digest via Marion, IL-