Ministers Blogs
“Strange Questions”
Categories: Christian PrinciplesTid-Bits From the Past
Among the strange questions, every preacher has to deal with is one that he almost wishes people wouldn’t ask. Not that it is a difficult question to answer, not that he is reluctant to answer it, but it always puts the questioner in the position of one trying to avoid what he knows he should be doing. That question is, “It is necessary for a Christian to attend all the services of the church?”
Naturally, the one answering the question must begin by telling the puzzled churchman that there undoubtedly reasons why some cannot attend every service such as illness or illness in the family, etc. By this time the questioner is hopeful that there will be many “reasons.” But when he assured that God expects His people to be present at every possible gathering of the saints, he feels that he has been “let down” by the preacher or elder from whom he sought counsel.
The fact of the matter is, a Christian would not WANT an excuse for staying away from the house of worship if by going he could “build himself up in most holy faith” ( Jude 20). A Christian would be grateful for the privilege of being with the children of God in order that together they could “grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus” (2 Pet. 3:18). It is in such meetings that the children of God “teacher and admonish one another” (Col. 3:16). It seems never to have occurred to some that the mid-week service and other services of the church are designed by the elders of the congregation for the purpose of “feeding the flock” that has been placed under their jurisdiction. It seems that everyone should recognize the reasons for such meetings and not look upon them as “something to do” or “someplace to go.” The purpose of every gathering of the saints is an opportunity to glorify God, magnify His blessed name, learn of His dear Son, submit ourselves to the laws of our King and show ourselves anxious to learn more and more of the things that pertain to life and godliness.
One would have to be extremely busy who could not lay aside his chores and his business for a couple of hours on Wednesday night and Lord’s Day evening. Finding an excuse for not attending more than one service of the church has taxed many an indifferent soul, but finding a reason for not being there has proved impossible. Looking for excuses to stay home is like looking for something that will stunt the growth of a child. None would want to be guilty of interfering with the normal development of a child – even those who see no real benefit in spiritual growth. Of course, the Lord expects us to attend all the services of the church if we can – and “so much the more” as we see the trend of the times!
(Taken from Laings Bulletin November 24, 1968 By Tom W. Butterfield)