Ministers Blogs
“The Person Sitting Beside You!”
Categories: Christian Principles“I had a very stressful week. Some mornings I hesitated opening my eyes for I knew the real world was awaiting me with all my problems. I didn’t get much sleep last night, kept awake from the worry, but I kept my problems to myself. I didn’t want to bother you. You have your own problems I reasoned. Why make my problems your problems? And then it happened, Sunday rolled around. My energy was low, but I knew if I could just make it to services if I could only make it. That extra hour of sleep was needed, but I pulled myself up and pinned a smile for the next two hours. I couldn’t let my church family know I was hurting.
Perhaps you greeted me with a handshake when I entered the door or just smiled from across the pew. Perhaps you warmly spoke to me with love and sincerity or sat next to me bowed silently in prayer. Perhaps you sang with all your heart or quietly placed your hand on my shoulder and made me feel important. Perhaps you drew me into a stimulating conversation after Bible Study or I just felt the excitement of being among my brothers and sisters. Maybe you just said a little prayer for me this week. Whatever you did, thank you. Words cannot express the uplifting I have gained by being here today to worship with the saints. I leave with a real smile.
I don’t know if I can make it another week, how will I do it? Oh, I almost forgot, I can come back tonight and Wednesday evening to be re-energized to take me to next Sunday. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Thank you for loving me.”
(Anonymous, taken from the Rockport, WV Church of Christ Bulletin April 25, 1999)