Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

Personal Evangelism

Ways you can invite someone to our Gospel Meeting

Friday, September 17, 2021

Tonk Talk 

                On Oct. 3-6, Camden Ave. will be having a Gospel Meeting.  We must remember that the main goal of having a Gospel Meeting is to invite our friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, and family members to hear the word of God.  In my sermon last week, I gave some practical ways we can invite people to study the Bible with us, which can also be used to invite people to our Gospel Meeting.  So here are some of those ideas repeated and other creative ideas we can do to invite people:

  • Give a neighbor who is moving into your neighborhood free lightbulbs or a flashlight (with batteries).  Say something like “You’ll probably have a lightbulb go out some time, so here’s one,” or if it is a flashlight say, “if the electricity goes out this might come in handy.”  Then say. “By the way, did you know that Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12)?” You can learn more about Him at our Gospel Meeting we are having, why don’t you and your family come with us.”
  • Bake some bread and give it to someone, and say something like, “by the way did you know Jesus is the Bread of life” (John 6:35)? “You can learn more about Him at our Gospel Meeting we are having, why don’t you and your family come with us.”
  • Give out water to the people in your neighborhood or local park and as you give the water to them say something like, “did you know that Jesus can give us spiritual drink” (John 7:37-38)? “You can learn more about Him at our Gospel Meeting we are having, why don’t you and your family come with us.”
  • Go to the laundromat or carwash and feed quarters into the machine, and say something like, “have you been washed by the blood of Christ” (1 Cor. 6:11)? “You can learn more about Him at our Gospel Meeting we are having, why don’t you and your family come with us.”
  • Give someone a nice flower, and say something like, “did you know Jesus is like a plant (vine)” John 15:1-7?  “You can learn more about Him at our Gospel Meeting we are having, why don’t you and your family come with us.”
  • Pass out microwave popcorn or a can of soda pop with a note attached that says, “Pop into our Gospel Meeting.” Include your name and information about our Gospel Meeting.

Can you think of other creative ways of inviting people to our Gospel Meeting?  All these ideas are to help build friendships and to show we are servants of Christ trying to share our faith in today’s modern world.  It is amazing to see how responsive people become as the result of a simple gift or act of servanthood. 

Will you do something that will show people we care and use that as an opportunity to talk to them about Christ and invite them to our Gospel Meeting and other services?  In Christ, Mark T. Tonkery

Share your light

Friday, September 03, 2021

Tonk Talk by Mark T. Tonkery 

Light.  It guides us, directs us, and helps us by showing us the way.  On a dark night or when the electricity goes off, a flashlight or candle can help us find our way through our dark house or the path we are walking on. 

In the Bible, light is described as goodness, righteousness, and everything that God is (1 John 1:5).  The Bible also points out that Christianity is identified as light and the world is identified as darkness (John 1:5).  Notice, John 8:12, “Then Jesus spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world.” He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Light exposes darkness: Darkness is expelled as soon as one turns on a light. Darkness and light cannot occupy the same spot.  Therefore, light serves as a guide.  Airport runways help planes land at night by having lights placed along them.  People can drive their cars at night because they have headlights and there are also streetlights. We know how essential light is in the physical world.  The Bible has been telling us all long how essential light is to our spiritual lives as well, it is just as essential as the need for light in the physical world, but even more so.

We as Christians are to point people to the light and guide people who are in darkness to the light.  In Mat. 5:14-16, Jesus tells us, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

The story is told of a little girl who was shivering her way along a main street in one of our great cities. Seeing the beautiful lights of a church building and hearing the singing coming from within, she went in and warmed herself as she listened. The preacher's text was, "I am the light of the world." At the close of the service, she went to the minister and said, "Did you say you are the light of the world, sir?" The minister replied, "No, dear child. Christ is the light of the world, and I am one of the lights." The little girl looked at him for a moment, and then solemnly said, "Well, sir, I wish you would come down and hang out in our alley, 'cause it's awful dark down there!”? (Story taken from—Biblical Research Monthly).

Christians are, indeed, as Christ said, "the light of the world." As one of those lights, are you "hanging out" in some dark alley?  Are you sharing your light? Christians are to be lights to shine forth into the darkness of human darkness. We are to set our light upon a hill, not hide it under a bushel or in other words hide that we are Christians.  Remember: We are to be "lights" in a dark world (Ph. 2:14-15), so let us share our light and let it shine.  Be God's Mark T. Tonkery 


Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Tonk Talk by Mark T. Tonkery

                   One of the great needs of the church today is for our members to be more evangelistic.  We have more people living in our world today and yet fewer people becoming Christians and being involved in the life of the church.  There are people all around us, we have neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends who are not Christians.   Most of us talk with these people every day, yet when was the last time we had a spiritual conversation with them?  Talking about God, Christ, the church, and the Bible can be challenging even awkward, especially if we are not in the habit of talking about our faith.   So how can we take our daily conversation with our friends from everyday concerns to a spiritual discussion?  The following is a helpful acronym that may be able to help us.  When you are talking with someone think of the word H.O.P.E.S.

·H – Home.  Talk to your friend about their family, their children, grandchildren, and the places they have lived; share this information about yourself with them as well.  Show them that you are genuinely concerned and interested in their family and their home.

·O- Occupation.  Talk to your friend about their job, what they do for a living, how their day at work went.  If they have served in the military or went to college, ask them about their experience.  Share your work and life experiences with them too.

·P- Preferences – Talk to your friend about their likes and dislikes, foods they like or dislike to eat, restaurants they may like to go to or want to avoid.  Ask them about the type of car they like to drive, or their favorite holiday.  Share your likes and dislikes with them also.

·E-Entertainments – Talk to your friend about their hobbies, places they like to go on vacation, ask them to share their vacation memories, and talk about what they like to do when they have a day off.  Share your common interests and things that you like to do for entertainment as well.

·S – Story – Talk to your friend about their religious beliefs, talk about where they grew up going to church, or if they ever went to church.  Ask them if they ever have become a Christian, ask them how they became a Christian or why they are not a Christian.  Have them share their faith and religious story with you.  And then as you listen to their story, ask them if you can share how, you became a Christian, and why you believe what you believe.  Point them to the scriptures and use this opportunity to set up a Bible study with them and invite them to come to worship services with you.

The next time you are talking to a friend, remember H.O.P.E.S., and may we each realize the urgency in bringing our lost friends to Christ.

Dan. 12:3, “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”

(Adapted from John Orr, How to attract young families. lecture, Connect Conference, 2021).

Winning Souls for Christ

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Proverbs 11:30 states, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise.”

The New Testament continues to emphasize the winning of souls by teaching us to make disciples in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15-16. Once one has been won to Christ, we are to continue being taught. In Acts 2:42 it tells us to be devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. Acts 8:39 tells us to continue to rejoice in our salvation. In I Corinthians 1:17 it tells us to keep preaching the gospel. When each Christian makes disciples, teaching the gospel, fellowshipping, praying, rejoicing and serving we will win souls.  According to Acts 2:47 and Acts 16:5 this is what the church did in the first century; they won souls daily.

When was the last time you “won a soul for Christ”? When was the last time you taught someone the scriptures about how to become a Christian? When was the last time you saw a person baptized and become a new creation in Christ? When was the last time you invited someone to worship services?

We have seen the church winning souls in the past and now it is time to get back to winning souls for Christ. Unfortunately, too many Christians are just baptized and are not involved in the work of winning souls for Christ. For too many Christians, have not been taught that Christianity is a total conversion and commitment to the cause of Christ, which includes winning souls for Christ.

One’s conversion is just the beginning of one’s salvation. God wants our whole hearts, minds, bodies, and actions. He wants us to be totally converted to His cause. God wants every Christian doing and modeling His will in our daily lives. “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Gal. 2:20) Can this statement be our statement, have we crucified our souls, minds, hearts, bodies, and actions with Christ? Are we totally committed to Christ and winning souls for the Kingdom of God?   

Written by Mark T. Tonkery