Ministers Blogs
Minute of Meditation: God designed our tongues to be “healers”
Monday, October 16, 2017
Scientists have learned that that the human tongue has a special trait that can heal itself quicker than some other body parts. Apparently, there is a natural anti-biotic in our tongues that helps with the healing process. We are constantly taking in all sorts of potentially harmful micro-organisms, viruses, and other things into our mouths. However, God has made us so that our bodies can ward off these harmful organisms before they ever take root in our bodies.
Our tongues can be anti-biotic in another way as well. We can use our words to bring healing to others. Notice what the Bible teaches, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Eph. 4:29). How would our world be different if we used our words to heal and not hurt?
God designed our tongues to be “healers” not destroyers. How are you using your words to bring healing to others?
I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Minute of Meditation: They were first called
Monday, October 16, 2017
The first century church was phenomenal in many ways. They were certainly dedicated to their cause, they grew quickly and they remained true to their course. One of the cities that Christianity grew in was Antioch. It was the third largest city in the Roman Empire.
The church that met at Antioch was a diverse congregation made up of two different ethnic groups Jews and Gentiles believers. The Bible states in Acts 11:26 this is where the disciples of Christ were first called Christians. This new name represented their Christlike spirit and attitude. They were mission minded and benevolent. They were a praying people. They were active in their faith. They were different from the rest of the world. They were called rather than professed as Christians. The name signifies Christ’s people. These are the people that belonged to Christ.
If you are longing to belong, you can belong to Christ. He will take you in. If you would like to know more about Christ then contact us at the Camden Ave. Church of Christ. I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation.
Minute of Meditation: The most important book
Monday, October 16, 2017
When David Livingstone began his trek across Africa in 1852, he carried 73 books which together weighed 180 pounds. After he had gone 300 miles he had to throw away some of the books because it was not feasible to carry so much through the jungle. He continued throwing books away as he went further into the jungle. Eventually his library had shrunk to one book—the Bible—this he did not throw away.
The Bible is truly the most important book in the world the reason according to 2 Tim. 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
Will you not stop for a moment today and spend some time reading the most important book in the world. It will do you good!
I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Minute of Meditation: Jesus the Bread of Life
Monday, October 16, 2017
I’ve been told that there’s a health-food restaurant in the northeast with a billboard that says, “Eat here and live a long life!” Not wanting to be outdone, the barbeque place next-door put up a sign that reads: “Eat here and die happy!”
Food is essential to each of us, without it we die.
What bread is to hunger, Jesus is, for spiritual life. After miraculously feeding bread and fish to the 5,000 people, Jesus spoke of a superior bread that every person must feed on, when he declared, in John 6:35, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."
Jesus emphasized that He sustains and fulfills our spiritual lives. His point is that we need Him more than we need food. Just as we die without food we will spiritually die without Christ. Jesus can fill our every need. If you would like to know more about Christ then contact me.
I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Minute of Meditation: Faith Comes by Hearing
Wednesday, September 13, 2017It was her first day on the job. The lady of the house was having a Bible study. Before the meeting was to start she couldn’t find her Bible, she searched everywhere. She rushed down to the kitchen where her new housekeeper was working, “Have you seen my Bible?” “Great”, said the new housekeeper. “What do you mean?” Asked the lady. “Well”, the new employee said,” the first thing I do when I start with a new employer, is to hide their Bible. I want to see how long it takes them to miss it. Yours is in the linen closet.”
It would be good if everyone studied their Bible as much as they said they did. Amen.
There are millions of people in the world who claim to be Christians and never pick up the Bible and read it.
Hos 4:6 reminds us, that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
Then Romans 10:17 declares, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Will you read your Bible? What better way to spend your time than with the word of God. Try it and see if it changes your life! It did mine!
I am Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.