Ministers Blogs
Minute of Meditation: Decisions
Wednesday, September 13, 2017Do you have some decisions to make? What do I wear today? Should I take a different route to work due to construction? Should I have a bagel or an English muffin for breakfast?
Some decisions are much harder. Should I go to college or vocational school? Is this the person God wants me to marry? Should Grandpa live with us, or be put in a retirement home? Should I bail my troubled child out of jail or show him tough love and make him learn that there are consequences for bad choices? Should I be buried or cremated?
Decision making is an act of responsibility. As we go through life, we have many important decisions to make. But the greatest decision and the one decision that gives wisdom to all other decisions we make is the decision to follow Christ.
1Cor. 2:2 states, “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
As the old hymn states, “I have decided to follow Christ, no turning back, no turning back.” What about you?
This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Minute of Meditation: For those who love the Lord
Wednesday, September 13, 2017Well, are you having a bad day today? If you are think about this. The artist that mixes his paints with blood from his own broken heart he is the one that paints the prettiest picture of all.
What makes the difference; our attitude. We can have the attitude like Pharaoh of Egypt, in the book of Exodus who, when confronted by Moses and the ten plagues from God, grumbled, and griped, and became stubborn, causing more woes to come upon him. Or, we can have the attitude of Job, who at the loss of all his possessions, his children, even his own health, succumbed to the will of God and remained faithful.
Hard times can make us strong. In the Bible Rom. 8:28, tells us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Do you love the Lord? If so remember, your bad day can get better; “in all things God works for the good.”
This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Minute of Meditation: Get the Bible Right
Wednesday, September 13, 2017One day a husband and wife were sitting on a couch reading. All the sudden the wife looked up and said, “Honey who is this Joan of Arc that saved France”. Well he looked up and said you’ve got those characters mixed up it was Noah of Ark. Jonah was that guy that swallowed the whale.” (LOL)
Now you better check your Bible, its right; because for one thing the Bible says that Jesus is coming back and everyone is going to see Him. Notice, Rev 1:7, “Behold, [Jesus] is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.”
Jesus is coming again. Will you be ready? There’s a great day coming are you ready? Contact us at the Camden Ave. Church of Christ to learn more.
This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Adapted from Larry West minute message Tape 0041-0050 & 0051-0060
Minute of Meditation: Walk with the Lord Daily
Wednesday, September 13, 2017Did you get your exercise today? What if we would walk with the Lord? Walking with the Lord in the Bible means living for the Lord daily. 2 Cor. 4:16, reminds us to be renewed day by day. How do we do this by:
- Every day let God say something to you (Ps. 119:11, 105; Acts 17:11) Let’s read and study our Bible.
- Every day say something to God (1 Thess. 5:17). Pray
- Every day do something for God (Gal. 6:10; Jam. 1:27). Be a servant. Be helpful to your neighbor. Let’s do good to one another.
- Every day say something for God (Mk. 16:15). Tell someone about Christ, Invite someone to church. Will you be my guest this Sunday?
The Bible challenges us to be like Christ every day! Will you do your spiritual exercise and walk with the Lord?
This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Adapted from a Sermon by Gus Nichols
Minute of Meditation: Four Facts about Christianity
Wednesday, September 13, 2017I love being a Christian! It is the most wonderful thing in the world. But what makes Christianity SO attractive? First we have a FATHER. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father which art in heaven” (Matt. 6:9). Our heavenly father cares, loves and blesses us (Eph. 1:3). Second, FORGIVENESS. Jesus died on the cross and grants forgiveness of sins to those that repent and are baptized (Acts 2:38). Third, a FAMILY. 1Tim. 3:15 reminds us that the church is a family. Christians are blessed with a spiritual family where love, care and concern are rich blessings which provided the greatest support system on earth. Last we have a FUTURE. Christianity is going somewhere. In Jn. 14:1-3 Jesus tells us he is preparing a home for the faithful. Will you be going? These are four major facts all Christians enjoy.
This is Mark T. Tonkery with a minute of meditation from the Camden Ave. church of Christ where you are always welcome.
Adapted from a sermon by Mark Posey